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New TurfMutt Foundation Survey Indicates Canadians Love Their Yards & Backyarding

Mar 6, 2023

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According to a new survey commissioned by the TurfMutt Foundation and conducted online by The Harris Poll, enjoying managed landscapes – like yards, parks and other green spaces – is quite common among Canadians (89%). In fact, many Canadians (24%) spent more time in managed landscapes, including yards, in 2022 compared to 2021.

Additionally, “backyarding” activities - living life more outdoors – appear to be important as the majority of Canadians who owned a yard in the past two years (76%) have invested in it recently. A majority of Canadians (82%) also say if they were looking for a new home, a spacious yard would be at the top of their wish list.

"We’re entering a new level of appreciating our yards, parks, and other green spaces, and ‘backyarding’ is now a habit for people,” says Kris Kiser, CEO & President of Outdoor Power Equipment Institute of Canada and the TurfMutt Foundation, an organization that advocates appreciation and caring for our green space and encourages all of us to spend time in the living landscapes around us. “Now we predict 2023 is the year of the mastering the art of backyarding.”

Beyond Beautiful
The majority of Canadians recognize that a yard is beneficial beyond its aesthetic value, such as being environmentally friendly, being part of the connected ecosystem, increasing home values, and being a vital part of pets’ health and happiness.

  • Roughly 9 in 10 Canadians (88%) recognize that having a yard is important for a pet’s health and happiness
  • Even more (92%) believe having a yard increases a home’s value
  • More than 4 in 5 Canadians (85%) believe having a yard is an important part of living an environmentally friendly lifestyle.
  • To take it one step further, nearly three quarters of Canadians (72%) believe their yard is part of the connected ecosystem, giving pollinators and wildlife food and shelter.

An Extension of the Home
A majority of Canadians (79%) see their yard as an extension of their home, perhaps this is why so many have invested in their yards over the past two years.

  • More than 3 in 4 (76%) recent Canadian yard owners (defined as those who have owned a yard in the past two years) have invested financially in their yard over the past two years.
  • Landscaping (47%) and gardens (46%) top the list of investments.

Most Popular Spaces
Managed landscapes are quite popular among Canadians, with a majority (62%) citing they spend time in these settings at least once a week when the weather allows.

  • An overwhelming majority of Canadians (91%) believe that spending time in managed landscapes is good for their health and well-being, so it’s no surprise that nearly half (45%) say they do so several times a week or more often.
  • The most common managed landscapes Canadians spend time in are yards (67%), with 62% spending time in their own yard and 16% spending time in someone else’s, followed by community parks (38%).

Time Spent in Managed Landscapes
Frequency of spending time in managed landscapes varies by age, with older adults most likely to do so more frequently.

  • Adults ages 55+ are more likely than those under age 55 to say they spend time in managed landscapes several times a week or more often when weather allows (56% vs. 36%).
  • Adults ages 35-44 and 55+ are more likely than those ages 18-34 and 45-54 to say they spend time in managed landscapes at least once a week or more often when weather allows (67% & 71% vs. 52% & 50%).

Yard Activities
Roughly 9 in 10 Canadians (91%) currently have a yard, and while many spend time doing typical yard-related activities in it, a good proportion also use their yard for leisure activities and other purposes:

The most popular activities include:

  • 58% spending time in their yard gardening or doing yard work
  • 54% spending time with friends and family
  • 53% lounging/relaxing
  • 52% cooking/eating meals in their yard
  • 33% watching/interacting with wildlife
  • 32% entertaining guests
  • 30% playing with pets
  • 23% exercising
  • 21% playing games
  • 13% studying or working

Yard activities vary by age. While gardening/yard work is the top activity among yard owners ages 35-44, 45-54, and 55+ (61%, 65%, 68%), the top activity among yard owners ages 18-34 is spending time with family and friends (46%).

Survey Method
This survey was conducted online by The Harris Poll on behalf of OPEIC from February 6-8, 2023, among 1,028 Canadian adults ages 18 and older. The sampling precision of Harris online polls is measured by using a Bayesian credible interval. For this study, the sample data is accurate to within +/- 3.83 percentage points using a 95% confidence level.

To learn more about creating the yard of your dreams, go to

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